Entries from 2016-08-01 to 1 month

歌曲欣賞(10) - Harmonie Ending Song

輕柔的歌聲平靜的輕訴說着像是訴說着孤獨寂漠, 突然間有人走進她的世界, 為她的生命帶來美麗的色彩 We are experienced the time waiting for a person, who will bring us to understand beautiful of world.

歌曲欣賞(9) - 可塑性回憶 - What do you say

離別後, 象徵着未來再無法創造回憶, 無法再一起相處感受對方的存在, 更會令人感到恐俱. 歌曲中帶着懷念以往回憶, 心中回憶如暗湧般, 深沉的悲傷一下一下的湧現, 是多麼傷痛. Don't just think the sad thing about losing, memory is what we gain, remember…