Entries from 2016-03-01 to 1 month

歌曲欣賞(7) - 生命的旋律

生命的無常, 經歷過失去的傷痛, 更會懂得珍惜. 雖然痛了, 但仍要努力爭取未來的幸福. Life is full of questionable regretness, losing something here, you may gain something there. Please remember why you really want to live, create your own "mel…

歌曲欣賞(7) - Worth living

Worth living - 一個很特別的歌名, 聆聽時就是回憶起一段段的往事, 初初感受到傷感懷念, 再感到某種即將失去的不捨得, 到最後段平伏下來, 得到短暫的快樂就要失去. 懂得如何承受失去, 就會明白生命的價值. You will understand the word "worth living" when…